Lean Startup Process

Lean Startup Process


Lean startup process is a scientific process that works by constant research and implementation. Whenever a new issue arises, it goes through the same process each time until the issue is resolved. Unlike any other process, this process is not based in brainstorming and speculating. This is purely based in market research and user experience. This process does not answer ‘what can you build?’, it answers ‘what you should build?’ through a user experience feedback system.
Lean startup process is one of the best methods to make a product successful. To take feedback from real users for every major release, we at AMAY use interaction and event-based advanced analytics measures that measure user flow, user experience, satisfaction and deliver feedback with real time interaction


After the primary business idea is formulated, the startup needs to undergo a brainstorming session first before actually researching the market needs. This process is part of the learning process that can help you have a rough idea which can be helpful to formulate basic structure of planning before the research process. After this, a thorough market research is conducted. A survey team may have to be created that gives you timely and accurate feedback. This survey team should consist of all the different personalities of people that might represent your target market. This team can also be an anonymous group of people that should not know that they are being surveyed to maintain the authenticity of the survey.

It will help you understand current market needs along with all the issues that involve current market.

Learning with problems and inefficiencies and improving the process is one of the best ways to move forward. We at AMAY define, allocate and optimize user flow interactions that help the startup to focus and pivot if needed.



After learning about all the information about market and the design of the product, the next stage is to build the product. The prototype isn’t expected to be a flawless final product. But, every prototype should have a goal or a problem that needs to be fixed. This prototype is then build into an interactive implementation of the product. This can help configure the current issues along with any future design issues that may arise. When the lean startup process is repeated enough times to fix all the errors, the prototype slowly turns into the product.

Building solutions that can solve real problems and scale with unpredictable users growth, comply with geo-specific government regulations can be a challenge and distract the core team from product development. AMAY help startups with productivity management, on flow development and intensive execution to reach development milestones.

Measure & Automate

After building a prototype or the product, the next step is to measure the product experience. You need to consider any design flaws or changes that need to be made. These measurements are according to actual user experience. The lean startup process is said to be scientific process because it is based in a lot of research and correction rather than market assumption. This research can be done with an automated system that takes minimum viable effort to run. This automated system can do all the stuff that would otherwise require countless hours of human work. If we create an automated system, all this could then be applied to other important tasks. Also this statistical work done by an automated system will be more accurate than an average human.

Measuring user experiences, emotions, and interaction with the app can benefit startups build high-level consumer-focused solutions. We also startups in implementing ML, AI to help businesses automate the boring stuff and focus on product development.

Measure & Automate

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